Rob’s Veggie Ranch Cheesey Bacon Dip 1 Prairie Farms Veggie Ranch Dip (16 oz carton)2.8 oz Real Bacon Pieces1……
Turkey with Salsa Suiza
Turkey with Salsa Suiza Turkey Brine1 15 lb Turkey1/2 Gallon Prairie Farms whole milk2 Gallons water1 1/2 Gallons ice3……
Bacon Spinach Dip
Bacon Spinach Dip 10 Bacon Slices, cooked and chopped8 Oz Prairie Farms cream cheese, softened1/3 Cup mayonnaise1/3 Cup Prairie……
Sour Cream Chive Dip
Sour Cream Chive Dip 1/2 Cup Prairie Farms sour cream1/2 Cup mayonnaise1 Pinch ground black pepper1/4 Cup Fresh Chives,……
Turkey Gravy
Turkey Gravy 1 Stick Prairie Farms unsalted butter1 1/2 Cups Yellow onion, chopped1/4 Cup flour1 tsp kosher salt1/2 tsp……